Proceedings of The ICECRS <p>International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies is established in order to reach excellence and advancement in various scientific points. The proceeding has obtained ISSN 2548- 6160 from International Office by Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo to get different research conferences on the various venues and academic themes.</p> International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies en-US Proceedings of The ICECRS 2548-6160 Unlocking Randuwana's Enchantment: Umsida's Transformative Role in Elevating Sapta Pesona in Enchanting Village Pools <p>The aim of this service is to improve community empowerment, help local communities by providing education and training on village pool management, tourism management and promotion of local destinations. The service methods applied are training and workshops to provide local community training about managing village ponds, increasing tourism and environmental curiosity. The result of this service is that there is more local community participation in the management and promotion of the Village Pool, giving them a sense of ownership and responsibility for their tourist destination, which attracts more tourists. The implication of this service is that community economic empowerment in the tourism sector can increase local community income and have a positive economic impact.</p> <p><strong>Highlight</strong>:</p> <ul> <li> <p>Community Involvement: Enhanced local participation in managing and promoting the Village Pool empowers the community, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility for their tourist destination.</p> </li> <li> <p>Economic Empowerment: Through tourism sector engagement, there's potential for increased local income, showcasing positive economic impacts on the community.</p> </li> <li> <p>Service Methodology: Training and workshops serve as effective tools for educating and empowering local communities in village pond management and tourism promotion, fostering environmental curiosity.</p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Keyword</strong>: Sapta Pesona, Community empowerment, Tourism Village, Local Destinations</p> Muhammad Agung Laksono Satrio Sudarso Nurfia Alfia Ainun Nur Rohma Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Agung Laksono, Satrio Sudarso, Nurfia Alfia, Ainun Nur Rohma 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 12 2 10.21070/icecrs.v12i2.1740 Opening of Seven Enchantments: Transformative Initiative with Martopuro Village <p>The aim of this service is to: introduce and increase tourist awareness: introduce the unique charms of Martopuro Village to tourists and increase awareness of the various tourist attractions it offers. The service method carried out is Community Participation: Involving the local community in planning and implementing the program, ensuring active participation and a sense of community ownership of this initiative. The result of this service is increasing income. A larger number of visitors can increase income through the sale of local tourism goods and services. . The implication of this service is in the form of improving the image of the village, increasing the perception of Martopuro village as an attractive tourist destination, attracting investors, and supporting regional tourism promotion. Therefore, by increasing capacity, infrastructure and promoting the seven charms of local tourism, this project is expected to help develop and empower Martopuro Village.</p> <p><strong>Highlight</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>Community Engagement: Involving locals in program planning and execution fosters a sense of ownership and active participation, vital for sustainable tourism development.</li> <li>Economic Impact: Increased tourist visits lead to improved income opportunities through the sale of local goods and services, boosting the village's economy.</li> <li>Tourism Promotion: Enhancing the village's image attracts investors and supports regional tourism, aiding in the development and empowerment of Martopuro Village.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keyword</strong>: The unique charm of the village, Tourist participation, transformative initiatives, society participation</p> Satrio Sudarso Firli Perdana Yusfian Paramitha Puspa Widya Alvin Windiya Wati Copyright (c) 2023 Satrio Sudarso, Firli Perdana Yusfian , Paramitha Puspa Widya , Alvin Windiya Wati 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 12 2 10.21070/icecrs.v12i2.1743 An Impactful Story of Education Empowerment and Lifelong Learning Coaching in Jeruk Purut Village - Growing Minds, Changing Lives <p>The aim of this service is to increase access to education to encourage lifelong learning, everyone in Jeruk Purut Village, including children, teenagers and adults, must receive a better education. The service method carried out is preparing an educational program to meet the needs and potential of Jeruk Purut Village, designing an educational program that includes formal and non-formal education. The results of this service can improve community skills and increase the skills and knowledge of the people of Jeruk Purut Village in various fields through a lifelong learning program. The implications resulting from this service are community empowerment, increasing the role and participation of the community in building and maintaining a sustainable education system. It is hoped that the history of educational empowerment and lifelong learning training in Jeruk Purut Village will improve the quality of life and development opportunities</p> <p><strong>Highlights:&nbsp;<br></strong></p> <ul> <li> <p>Holistic Educational Program: Designing a comprehensive educational program that caters to the diverse needs and potentials of Jeruk Purut Village, encompassing both formal and non-formal education.</p> </li> <li> <p>Community Involvement and Participation: Fostering increased engagement of all age groups, including children, teenagers, and adults, to enhance community skills and knowledge, promoting a culture of lifelong learning.</p> </li> <li> <p>Empowering Sustainable Development: The service aims to empower the community, contributing to the establishment and maintenance of a sustainable education system, thereby improving the overall quality of life and developmental opportunities in Jeruk Purut Village.</p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords :</strong> Lifelong Learning, Transformative Education, Educational Empowerment</p> Devi Widyas Putri Nurfi Laili Rohmatunnadjila Rahma Amalia Copyright (c) 2023 Devi Widyas Putri, Nurfi Laili, Rohmatunnadjila, Rahma Amalia 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 12 2 10.21070/icecrs.v12i2.1745 Education Empowerment: Bridging Academia and Community for Improved Learning and Dental Hygiene <p>The aim of this service is to build cooperation between academics and the community to empower each other, especially in developing educational programs that focus on dental hygiene and providing counseling and education about dental hygiene to the community, increasing awareness of the importance of dental health. This service method works together with academics to create educational programs that suit the needs and characteristics of the community, taking into account innovation and interactive approaches. In addition, providing training to academics and volunteers from the community on effective dental hygiene teaching and counseling techniques. As a result of the community service, the community understands the importance of maintaining dental hygiene and practicing correct dental care. The benefits of community service are active participation in improving dental hygiene, creating a culture that cares about collective dental health.</p> <p><strong>Highlight</strong>:</p> <ul> <li> <p>Community-Academia Collaboration: The service fosters collaboration between academia and the community, tailoring dental hygiene programs to suit local needs, thereby promoting awareness and education on dental health.</p> </li> <li> <p>Interactive Educational Approach: Utilizing innovative and interactive methods in education ensures effective learning about dental hygiene, involving both academics and community volunteers in training for impactful teaching.</p> </li> <li> <p>Cultural Shift Towards Dental Health: The service creates a cultural shift by encouraging active participation, instilling a collective concern for dental health, and emphasizing the importance of proper dental care within the community.</p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Keyword</strong>: Dental Hygiene, Education, Training</p> Ira Nurdiani Nur Fransiska Maulidia Putri Eri Nafisah Bagas Adi Prayoga Muhammad Yani Copyright (c) 2023 Ira Nurdiani, Nur Fransiska Maulidia Putri, Eri Nafisah, Bagas Adi Prayoga, Muhammad Yani 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 12 2 10.21070/icecrs.v12i2.1741 Developing Virtuous Learners: Uncovering the Profile of Pancasila Students in Primary Education for Character Development <p>The aim of service is to develop character education, such as cultivating good character or noble character in students through an approach based on Pancasila values and improving the quality of character education at the basic education level by incorporating Pancasila values into the curriculum and school activities. The service method used is to create learning materials and modules that integrate Pancasila values into daily activities and the school curriculum. In addition, service is carried out to measure and record students' profiles of Pancasila, including their level of understanding of and application of these values in their daily lives. The results of this service show that students develop positive character, which is demonstrated by changes in behavior that reflect the values of Pancasila. The quality of character education increases at the basic education level because Pancasila values are incorporated into daily activities and the school curriculum. One of the results of this service is to provide a character education approach model based on Pancasila values that can be used by other schools. This approach will help develop overall character and shape students with strong characters, making them virtuous people who are responsible for their actions.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:&nbsp;</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p>Integrated Curriculum Approach: Incorporating Pancasila values into daily activities and the school curriculum to foster character development among students at the basic education level.</p> </li> <li> <p>Measurable Impact: Implementing a method to measure and record students' profiles of Pancasila, including their understanding and application of these values, to assess the effectiveness of character education initiatives.</p> </li> <li> <p>Model for Character Education: Providing a character education approach model based on Pancasila values, offering a framework that can be adopted by other schools to cultivate virtues and responsibility in students through a holistic character development process.</p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Character Building, Elementary School, Pancasila</p> Rina Silvia Alfin Khoiro Amalia Lady Lailatun Nabila Detak Prapanca Copyright (c) 2023 Rina Silvia, Alfin Khoiro Amalia, Lady Lailatun Nabila, Detak Prapanca 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 12 2 10.21070/icecrs.v12i2.1746 Sustainable Ecotourism Education: Empowering Local Communities <p>The aim of this service is to provide local communities with education and training on ecotourism topics such as environmental management, tour guides and sustainable practices. The service method used is a participatory approach by involving the community in planning and implementing the program so that they feel responsible for sustainable ecotourism initiatives. The result of this service is an increase in environmental awareness, namely awareness of the importance of protecting the natural environment, making people behave better. This dedication produces implications in the form of a sustainable development model, meaning a model that can be used in other places to encourage sustainable community development and ecotourism. Therefore, it is hoped that this service will increase the responsibility and independence of local communities while generating positive economic and environmental impacts in the long term.</p> <p><strong>Highlight</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>Community Involvement: Engaging locals in program planning fosters a sense of responsibility for sustainable ecotourism initiatives.</li> <li>Environmental Awareness: Resulting in increased awareness and better behaviors towards protecting the natural environment.</li> <li>Sustainable Development Model: Creating a replicable model for sustainable community development and ecotourism, benefiting other areas in the long term.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keyword</strong>: Ecotourism, Ecology, Sustainable Ecotourism</p> Delia Triscahya Ridhani Suci Ariani M Zufar Hanan Satria Dwi Larasati Kharismatul Hidayah Nafidatul Zahro Muhammad Ikhsan Hadi Ahmad Ardiansyah Nugraha Maulana Muhammad Asrofi Moch Roiuddin Tri Wulandari Aulia Rahma Drmarini Pramesty Ardea Nur Dianita Adilatul Bilqos Annida Arienta Wardatun Nisa Nur Aini Miftakhul Jannah Dinda Dinianti Nurshanty Ni’matur Rosyidah Putri Setya Ayu Murdiani Salsabila Firdausi Denysa Firda Hanim Muhammad Aldi Awi Prasetyo Eka Adji Setya Pangestu Atik Rokhania Fita Widi Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2023 Delia Triscahya Ridhani, Suci Ariani, M Zufar Hanan Satria, Dwi Larasati Kharismatul Hidayah, Nafidatul Zahro, Muhammad Ikhsan Hadi, Ahmad Ardiansyah Nugraha, Maulana Muhammad Asrofi, Moch Roiuddin, Tri Wulandari, Aulia Rahma Drmarini, Pramesty Ardea Nur Dianita, Adilatul Bilqos Annida, Arienta Wardatun Nisa, Nur Aini Miftakhul Jannah, Dinda Dinianti Nurshanty, Ni’matur Rosyidah, Putri Setya Ayu Murdiani, Salsabila Firdausi, Denysa Firda Hanim, Muhammad Aldi Awi Prasetyo, Eka Adji Setya Pangestu , Atik Rokhania , Fita Widi Rahmawati 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 12 2 10.21070/icecrs.v12i2.1744 Achieving Success: Transformative Branding and Digital Marketing Strategies to Elevate Wotanmas Jedong MSMEs <p>The goals of this service include efficient digital marketing. This is to increase the visibility and attractiveness of Wotanmas Jedong MSMEs in society by using effective digital marketing strategies. Apart from that, the aim of this service is also to equip Wotanmas Jedong MSME players with digital marketing skills that will help them develop and develop. This service method involves Wotanmas Jedong MSME owners taking digital marketing training, which includes teaching them about things like SEO, social media, and e-commerce, as well as designing and implementing digital marketing strategies that include innovative content, social media campaigns, and promotions. online to increase visibility and customer interest. This dedication has resulted in increased awareness of the Wotanmas Jedong UMKM brand among the target market, as demonstrated by increased interactions and followers on social media. Apart from that, optimizing digital marketing, which means implementing effective digital marketing strategies, increasing competitiveness and market penetration through online platforms. This service can increase the income and sustainability of MSMEs, which can improve local economic prosperity and encourage local economic growth.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Boosting Wotanmas Jedong MSMEs through comprehensive digital marketing education.</li> <li>Implementing strategic SEO, social media, and e-commerce techniques for enhanced online presence.</li> <li>Driving local economic growth by increasing competitiveness and market penetration through optimized digital marketing.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Brand Awarenes, Digital Marketing, UMKM</p> Sabka Ardi Waluyo Handraswara Pratama Aisyah Rachamawati Atina Nabila Ade Prasetya Muhammad Yani Copyright (c) 2023 Sabka Ardi Waluyo, Handraswara Pratama, Aisyah Rachamawati, Atina Nabila Ade Prasetya, Muhammad Yani 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 12 2 10.21070/icecrs.v12i2.1748 Uncovering Gunung Berkembang Tourism and Samiler Crackers as Sustainable Microenterprises for Kedungudi Empowerment <p>The aim of carrying out this service is specifically in the mountain tourism industry and the manufacture of Samiler crackers in Kedungudi, micro businesses are enhanced by empowerment. The service method used is to increase added value, product and process development to encourage innovation in the process of making Samiler crackers. identify and create attractive and sustainable mountain tourism packages. This dedication produces micro-entrepreneurs who have greater capacity and better skills in management, production and marketing. And the resulting essence in the form of environmental destruction prioritizes sustainable product practices in production and mountain tourism, maintaining the balance of the local ecosystem. disturb the environment maintain the balance of the local ecosystem by using sustainable products when creating and developing mountain tourism.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Enhancing micro-businesses in Kedungudi through value addition and product development for Samiler crackers.</li> <li>Empowering micro-entrepreneurs with improved management, production, and marketing skills in the mountain tourism industry.</li> <li>Prioritizing sustainable practices to prevent environmental degradation and maintain the local ecosystem's balance in both product manufacturing and mountain tourism development.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Mountain Tourism, Samiler, Micro Business</p> M. Irwani Amin Suci Ariani Luluk Putri Fauziyah Tri Agustin Kusumaningrum Rajendra Rafi Firdausi Copyright (c) 2023 M. Irwani Amin, Suci Ariani , Luluk Putri Fauziyah, Tri Agustin Kusumaningrum, Rajendra Rafi Firdausi 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 12 2 10.21070/icecrs.v12i2.1749 Unlocking Coban Binangun's Tourism Potential: Enhancing Village Hospitality with Plintahan Destination Branding Profile <p>The aim of this service is to increase Coban Binangun's tourism potential through an attractive destination branding profile that focuses on natural attractions, culture and village hospitality. Apart from that, this service also encourages local communities to contribute to tourism development by emphasizing their hospitality and active involvement in tourist services. This service method includes tourism potential studies, which include conducting comprehensive research on the natural and cultural potential of Coban Binangun as well as assessing attractions that can be included in the destination branding profile. The hospitality training provides training to local communities about tourism services, hospitality, and how to help tourists have a good experience. The result of this service is increased public awareness and understanding of the benefits of "Plintahan" destination branding, which forms a consistent and well-known identity by tourists. This dedication has the implication that with increased tourism, local communities become more aware of the preservation of nature and local culture.</p> <p><strong>Highlight</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>Destination Branding: Developing a compelling brand profile for Coban Binangun focusing on natural beauty and cultural richness to attract tourists.</li> <li>Community Engagement: Encouraging local participation by training them in hospitality and tourist services, fostering their involvement in tourism development.</li> <li>Awareness and Conservation: Increased awareness among tourists and locals about the "Plintahan" brand, leading to a more profound understanding of the need for preserving nature and local culture.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keyword</strong>: Binangun Waterfall, Natural Tourism, Promotion</p> Razif Zulvikar Hatuwe Nabila Ayu Bakta Indah Agustinah Rahmawati Adelia Kharisma Putri Dwi Sukma Wardani Rohman Dijaya Copyright (c) 2023 Razif Zulvikar Hatuwe, Nabila Ayu Bakta , Indah Agustinah Rahmawati, Adelia Kharisma Putri, Dwi Sukma Wardani, Rohman Dijaya 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 12 2