Application of Learning at Kindergarten Aisyiyah 2 During the Covid 19 Pandemic
Penerapan Pembelajaran Di TK Aisyiyah 2 Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19
The purpose of writing this research is to find out how the implementation of learning in Kindergarten Aisyiyah 2 during the Covid 19 pandemic. The determination of learning at Kindergarten Aisyiyah 2 is very effective during this Covid19 pandemic. The research method used is by observation and portfolios of teachers and students at Kindergarten Aisyiyah 2 during the covid 19 pandemic, so that we can understand what learning applications are used during the COVID-19 pandemic. Kindergarten Aisyiyah 2 during the covid 19 pandemic uses online and offline learning, in the offline learning process every students get a turn to learn face to face with the teacher once a week. And at Kindergarten Aisyiyah 2, they strictly maintain health protocols by providing a place for washing hands, wearing masks during the learning process and maintaining a distance between students' seats while in class, each class contains 5 students.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Lia Novianti, Muhlasin Amrullah

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