Vol 1 No 3 (2018): Being Professional Teachers to Face Golden Generation in 2045

Membangun Atmosfir Belajar Siswa Ekstrovert & Introvert dengan Metode Active Learning Klop and Zonk
Building a Learning Atmosphere for Extroverted & Introverted Students with the Klop and Zonk . Active Learning Method

Maria Patricia Tjasmadi
Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Moriah, Indonesia
Diana Ifan Sari Ledoh
Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Moriah, Indonesia
Picture in here are illustration from public domain image or provided by the author, as part of their works
Published March 30, 2018
  • learning atmosphere,
  • ekstrovert and introvert,
  • active learning method klop and zonk
How to Cite
Tjasmadi, M. P., & Ledoh, D. I. S. (2018). Membangun Atmosfir Belajar Siswa Ekstrovert & Introvert dengan Metode Active Learning Klop and Zonk. Proceedings of The ICECRS, 1(3), picecrs.v1i3.1382. https://doi.org/10.21070/picecrs.v1i3.1382


Learning atmosphere is the situation and condition or atmosphere of the process of teaching and learning  activities in a classroom. The ideal situation and condition  is to create a cheerfull, communicative and educative atmosphere. This learning above requires a good cooperation between teachers and student and fellow students. In the class teaching and learning activities, teachers usually feel a significant difference from each student, their personality, habits and learning styles. There are two types of personality characteristic that stand out and contradict each other if viewed from the psychological aspects. The first characteristic are students who are enthusiastic, active, courageous, and ask spontaneously. The second characteristic are shy, quite, and solitary students. If not addressed properly this defference will affect the process of teaching and learning activities. Based on the above exposure, teachers should be able to design a comfortable, interesting  and creative learning environment in order to facilitate learning on both  types of personality characteristics. The writer chooses active learning  methods and designs klop and zonk media to create  a fun learning atmosphere for all students, that aims to build the good learning atmosphere for ekstrovert and introvert students. To strengthen the method of active learning klop and zonk the writer has doing classroom action research for ekstrovert and introvert students.


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