Media Gambar dan Pesan Berantai sebagai Strategi Efektif Pembelajaran Menyimak Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah Dasar
Media Pictures and Chain Messages as Effective Strategies for Learning Indonesian Listening in Elementary Schools
This study is a study of the use of chain messages techniques to streamline learning to listen to students in learning Indonesian in grade IV SDN Tarikolot I with legend stories. This research was conducted to improve the ability to listen to students, then the class teacher did not use this chain message technique. In this class action research researchers used Jhon Elliot's model. This research was conducted in three cycles. In each of its actions the researcher uses various data collection tools in the form of tests and non tests. At the implementation of this learning students look very enthusiastic, because in this learning given a piece of story that they must understand and tell a group of friends, so that each student has responsibility. The results of the study showed that learning Indonesian with reading material from a legend could improve the process and ability to listen to students. The learning process every cycle has increased. This can be seen from the average value of the process test in the cycle 1: 66.33; cycle 2: 70.3; and cycle 3: 77.3. The ability to listen to students also experiences an increase in each cycle seen in the average value of the evaluation test cycle 1: 67.5; cycle 2: 71,47; and in the 3: 75.5 cycle. And can also be seen also from the average results of observations of student activities in the cycle 1: 67.04; cycle 2: 73; and in the 3: 76.8 cycle.
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