Pendidikan Karakter dan Literasi Informasi dalam Pembentukan Modal Intelektual pada Era Revolusi Industri 4.0
Character Education and Information Literacy in the Formation of Intellectual Capital in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Intellectual capital is the main "currency" of an organization, especially a school institution, in accommodating its development in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. The formation of intellectual capital within the scope of school organization cannot be separated from the character values instilled in students during the learning process. One of the problems faced by educators in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 is how easy character of students be contaminated by the amount of information obtained at anytime and anywhere through various electronic devices. This is a challenge for educators to develop a culture of literacy as part of the school's organizational culture. This literacy culture is not only in the context of reading and writing, but especially in the context of information literacy, which is the ability to recognize information that is needed as well as identifying, evaluating, and using that particular information effectively. This paper aims to discuss how educators as "intellectual capital" of a school organization plays an important role in instilling and integrating character values and information literacy among students. The method applied in writing this paper is the study of literature from various sources related to the problem. In the end, it is expected that educators can integrate character values and information literacy as part of the school's organizational culture to form intellectual capital that is competent in this industrial revolution 4.0.
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