Vol 4 (2019): International Conference on World Science and Education. Case of Asia

Importance of the work on preservation, restoration and propagation of architectural monuments in Khorezm region in the development of spirituality

Rajabova Zuxra Sa’dullaevna
Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, Tashkent Institute of Information Technologies Urgench, Uzbekistan., Uzbekistan
D.B. Bobojonova.
Scientific Advisor - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor , Uzbekistan
Picture in here are illustration from public domain image or provided by the author, as part of their works
Published January 6, 2020
  • material,
  • cultural,
  • monuments,
  • tourism,
  • art,
  • tourist routes,
  • conservations,
  • reconstructions,
  • Khiva,
  • Great Silk road,
  • Hazorasp,
  • Kalyajik
  • ...More
How to Cite
Rajabova Zuxra Sa’dullaevna, & D.B. Bobojonova. (2020). Importance of the work on preservation, restoration and propagation of architectural monuments in Khorezm region in the development of spirituality. Proceedings of The ICECRS, 4. https://doi.org/10.21070/icecrs.v4i0.306


In it article, the author states research on tourist potential to the Republic of Uzbekistan. About opportunity having success, and a task in the future for today’s day. Soberly and with a new view states change, reforms in it to branch. And also the author offers in rows the offer and the instruction.


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