The Buzz Group Technique For Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Recount Text Of The Eight Grade Students Of Junior High School
The purpose of this study was to solve the problems that existed in grade 8 smpn 2 Buduran namely students' reading comprehension. By using group buzz techniques to improve reading comprehension through recount text. This research uses quantitative methods, through several tests consisting of try outs, pre-tests and post-tests. Some tests are carried out in some time. Before using the group buzz technique students are given a pre-test test. The result of the pre-test was 75. After the pre-test, the use of group buzz technique was applied to the students and then the students worked on the post-test. The result of the post test is 87.42 It can be concluded that the post-test results are greater than the pre-test. This shows that the group buzz technique can improve students' reading ability in recount text material.
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